For many of our returning Kiwi coming home to New Zealand is more about being closer to friends and family and living the Kiwi lifestyle than it is about matching salaries of an offshore employer. So how do you make sure your next role supports the balance you are looking for? We spoke to recruitment expert Will Moffat, Associate Partner at Kerridge & Partners, to find out how Kiwi employers are working to attract talent, and what job hunters should be looking for.

Will says the pandemic has increased awareness of how a company treats wellness in the workplace and job seekers should spend some time looking into what the company offers.
“There are high expectations these days for not only benefits but a genuine interest and exercise of manaakitanga (behaviour that acknowledges the mana of others as having equal or greater importance than one’s own, through the expression of aroha, hospitality, generosity and mutual respect) towards a firm’s employees. Flexible hours, remote working possibilities, wellness programmes and increased leave are frequently on offer, and these can even be a way for job seekers to judge the culture of a company before deciding if it’s the right fit for them.”
When it comes to retaining talent and creating a positive work environment for staff Will believes an organisation’s reputation is key. He says prospective job hunters should be looking for a company which is investing in keeping staff engaged, well-remunerated and feeling safe and valued at work.
“Look for companies who are promoting the modern Kiwi working lifestyle. This could include flexible working, wellness offerings and support in times of uncertainty but also should include things like staff development and the secondment concept. This displays a firm’s commitment to learning and development.”
Along with a modern working environment, job hunters should also be looking for businesses which show a clear system for dealing with dissent and discussion within the organisation.
“There is an expectation around access to decision-makers. Candidates often start to look elsewhere when they don’t agree with the direction of travel and feel they don’t have the ability to challenge and add their perspective to planning. Look into the culture of the company and if possible speak to people who are currently working there to get a better idea of how things operate and the direction of travel to make sure it aligns with what you are looking for.”
Will says in this current market employers are working hard to ensure they can attract and retain top talent so it’s worth searching for a company that is the right fit for you.
“People are increasingly tired, stressed and under pressure. To retain talent, firms must keep improving on what’s good. Benefits, development, ways of working, and culture are never static; they should be constantly monitored to ensure the best fit for employee experience and retention.”