Who can access Kea Connect?

Kea Connect is designed to support founders and business leaders of New Zealand businesses looking to expand off-shore

To qualify for Kea Connect, your business must be registered with the New Zealand Companies Office and have a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN).

If you are not registered yet, we may still be able to help. Please get in touch with the Kea team on [email protected]

How do I know if I’m ready to engage with the Kea Connect service?

Kea Connect is a service that connects you to industry leaders who can provide valuable advice on specific business issues in a one-off, 1 hour meeting (either in-person or online.)

Before engaging with Kea Connect, it’s helpful if you have done the below:

  • identify what you would like to achieve out of the connection request
  • research the market/s you are interested in
  • identify your key competitors
  • determine what you don’t know, and what advice will be most helpful

What sorts of help can I request?

Kea Connect can help with aspects like:

  • market validation
  • governance
  • distribution strategies
  • mentoring

What will I get out of the Kea Connect service?

Kea will connect with your team to further understand your business and the types of connections will be of the most value to you.We will then search our network for the business leaders best placed to help.

For each connection request we will provide you between 1-5 connections across a maximum of 2 markets.

Please note, once you have been introduced to a Solver, it is up to you as the connection seeker to arrange the meeting time and method.

Do I have to pay for the Kea Connect service?

We charge a one off administration fee of $295 plus GST. This fee covers the operational costs associated with our team's efforts in working with your business to identify your needs and matching you within our network of experienced solvers.

Payments can be made via credit card via our online application portal. Fees are payable on application and charged in New Zealand dollars.

If you would prefer to pay via invoice / bank transfer. Please get in touch with the team on [email protected].

When can I expect to hear back from Kea after submitting a connection request?

Your request will be assessed in 5 working days after completing the form. If you have not heard from us in this time, please contact the team on [email protected].

I’m looking for funding. Can you help?

We’re not in a position to ask for funding on your behalf. However, we can sometimes connect you with organisations in this space. Please email us on [email protected] for more information.

My business is based/registered overseas but I want to break into the New Zealand market, can you help me?

We want to see more international companies set up in New Zealand - however, to access Kea Connect you must already be registered with the New Zealand Companies Office for us to help you.

If you’re simply selling products or services into New Zealand without a physical presence – unfortunately we aren’t able to help.

I’m an offshore Kiwi looking to connect with Kea members in my region - do I need to use Kea Connect?

In short, no. Kea Connect is our business connection service and separate to our work connecting global Kiwi.

If you are looking to connect with other Kiwi in your region, we recommend you join Kea to receive regular updates and check out our calendar of events for opportunities to meet in person. You can also contact the Kea team on [email protected].

What if Kea can’t find a connection for me?

In the unlikely situation that we can not find a connection for you, we will offer a refund of your administration fee.